
9:57 PM

I used to talk a lot more than I do now.  As I've gotten older, I've come to realize how much more important Listening is.

Listening  is much more than simply hearing the words that someone utters. It's getting a sense of who they are, how they view life, what makes them happy, what & who they love, what they're afraid of, and more. It is even concentrating on what is not directly said.  

Listening requires wisdom, and an understanding of human beings.  It requires respect, selflessness, and the ability to give someone your full attention without thinking about what your response is going to be.

Make it a point to listen more this week. You'll be surprised at how much you learn. You may even find that your problems aren't nearly as big as you thought they were and that you may even have the ability to help someone else with what they're going through.  

Take the focus off yourself.....You just never know.

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